Unlimited users, services, and hosts

Free trial with 1TB of storage and 50,000 timeseries. No credit card required.

Spans and logs are billed for the number of ingested uncompressed gigabytes.
monthly budget
per gb
BudgetDataPrice per gb
>= $550GB$0.080
>= $2003TB$0.070
>= $5008TB$0.060
>= $100020TB$0.050
>= $200050TB$0.040
>= $3000100TB$0.030
>= $5000200TB$0.025
Predictable pricing
Uptrace bills at the end of the month for the ingested data or every $400, whichever comes first. You can cancel at any time.
Monthly budget
To limit your monthly bill, you can set a budget that acts as a cap on your bill. Uptrace will never charge more than your budget.
Volume discounts
As your monthly usage increases, you automatically receive a volume-based discount so you can continue to sample 100% of your data.
No limits
The final price depends only on the amount of data you ingest. You can have as many services, hosts, and users as you need.
Generous trial
The free trial allows you to ingest 1.2 terabytes of spans/logs and 100,000 timeseries. No credit card required.
Secure payments
Uptrace does not have direct access to your payment information and instead relies on Paddle to process bills.