Instrument Go app with OpenTelemetry Tracing

This tutorial demonstrates how to instrument a basic Go app using OpenTelemetry APIopen in new window. You will instrument an example app to measure the timing of each operation along with some execution context. You will also record errors that may happen during program execution.

OpenTelemetry Go tracing


Uptrace is an open source APMopen in new window and blazingly fast distributed tracing tool powered by OpenTelemetry and ClickHouse. It is a popular alternative to Jaeger and can be installedopen in new window by downloading a precompiled binary.

Example application

Let's create a directory and initialize a Go module for our application:

mkdir go-example-app
cd go-example-app
go mod init go-example-app

Our example application makes an HTTP call to download information about user's IP address via ip2c.orgopen in new window API. The main.go file looks like this:

package main

import (

func main() {
    countryInfo, err := fetchCountryInfo()
    if err != nil {

    countryCode, countryName, err := parseCountryInfo(countryInfo)
    if err != nil {

    fmt.Println(countryCode, countryName)

func fetchCountryInfo() (string, error) {
    resp, err := http.Get("")
    if err != nil {
        return "", err
    defer resp.Body.Close()

    b, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
    if err != nil {
        return "", err
    return string(b), nil

func parseCountryInfo(s string) (code, country string, _ error) {
    parts := strings.Split(s, ";")
    if len(parts) < 4 {
        return "", "", fmt.Errorf("ip2c: can't parse response: %q", s)
    return parts[1], parts[3], nil

Adding context.Context

Go uses context.Contextopen in new window to pass the active span from one function to another. Let's create a default context and accept it as a first arg in our functions:

diff --git a/main.go b/main.go
index 8cc2c64..1408398 100644
--- a/main.go
+++ b/main.go
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 package main

 import (
+       "context"
@@ -9,13 +10,15 @@ import (

 func main() {
-       countryInfo, err := fetchCountryInfo()
+       ctx := context.Background()
+       countryInfo, err := fetchCountryInfo(ctx)
        if err != nil {

-       countryCode, countryName, err := parseCountryInfo(countryInfo)
+       countryCode, countryName, err := parseCountryInfo(ctx, countryInfo)
        if err != nil {
@@ -24,7 +27,7 @@ func main() {
        fmt.Println(countryCode, countryName)

-func fetchCountryInfo() (string, error) {
+func fetchCountryInfo(ctx context.Context) (string, error) {
        resp, err := http.Get("")
        if err != nil {
                return "", err
@@ -38,7 +41,7 @@ func fetchCountryInfo() (string, error) {
        return string(b), nil

-func parseCountryInfo(s string) (code, country string, _ error) {
+func parseCountryInfo(ctx context.Context, s string) (code, country string, _ error) {
        parts := strings.Split(s, ";")
        if len(parts) < 4 {
                return "", "", fmt.Errorf("ip2c: can't parse response: %q", s)

Creating a tracer

To monitor our program, we need to wrap (instrument) potentially interesting operations with spans. You create spans with a tracer, so we will need one. But first let's install Uptrace which comes with OpenTelemetry as a dependency:

go get

Now we can create a named tracer go-example-app:

import ""

var tracer = otel.Tracer("go-example-app")

Instrumenting code with spans

You instrument code by creating a span at the start of each operation and calling span.End at the end. To save the active span, API accepts and returns context.Context that we should propagate to other spans.

ctx, span := tracer.Start(ctx, "operation-name")

// operation body


Let's use that knowledge to instrument fetchCountryInfo function and record execution context using span.SetAttributes API:

diff --git a/main.go b/main.go
index ff4d7c8..930a90f 100644
--- a/main.go
+++ b/main.go
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ import (

+       ""

 var tracer = otel.Tracer("go-example-app")
@@ -32,6 +33,9 @@ func main() {

 func fetchCountryInfo(ctx context.Context) (string, error) {
+       ctx, span := tracer.Start(ctx, "fetchCountryInfo")
+       defer span.End()
        resp, err := http.Get("")
        if err != nil {
                return "", err
@@ -43,6 +47,11 @@ func fetchCountryInfo(ctx context.Context) (string, error) {
                return "", err

+       span.SetAttributes(
+               attribute.String("ip", "self"),
+               attribute.Int("resp_len", len(b)),
+       )
        return string(b), nil

Monitoring errors

To record errors, OpenTelemetry uses span eventsopen in new window and provides span.RecordError API:

if err != nil {
    span.RecordError(ctx, err)
    return err

You can also use some logging library like logrusopen in new window and integrate it with OpenTelemetry:

if err != nil {
    logrus.WithContext(ctx).WithError(err).Error("http.Get failed")
    return err

Root span

After successfully instrumenting our 2 functions we need to tie them together into a single trace. You do that by creating a root span for them. While at it, let's also record the errors.

diff --git a/main.go b/main.go
index 3973b46..2db8354 100644
--- a/main.go
+++ b/main.go
@@ -24,15 +23,18 @@ func main() {

        ctx := context.Background()

+       ctx, span := tracer.Start(ctx, "fetchCountry")
+       defer span.End()
        countryInfo, err := fetchCountryInfo(ctx)
        if err != nil {
-               log.Print(err)
+               span.RecordError(ctx, err)

        countryCode, countryName, err := parseCountryInfo(ctx, countryInfo)
        if err != nil {
-               log.Print(err)
+               span.RecordError(ctx, err)

Configuring OpenTelemetry

As the last step we need to configureopen in new window OpenTelemetry to export spans to Uptrace. You can do that using a DSN from the project settings page:

import ""

    // copy your project DSN here or use UPTRACE_DSN env var
    DSN: "",

Putting all together

The resulting program is available at GitHubopen in new window.

package main

import (



var tracer = otel.Tracer("app_or_package_name")

func main() {
	ctx := context.Background()

		// copy your project DSN here or use UPTRACE_DSN env var
		DSN: "",
	defer uptrace.Shutdown(ctx)

	ctx, span := tracer.Start(ctx, "fetchCountry")
	defer span.End()

	countryInfo, err := fetchCountryInfo(ctx)
	if err != nil {

	countryCode, countryName, err := parseCountryInfo(ctx, countryInfo)
	if err != nil {

		attribute.String("country.code", countryCode),
		attribute.String("", countryName),

	fmt.Println("trace URL", uptrace.TraceURL(span))

func fetchCountryInfo(ctx context.Context) (string, error) {
	ctx, span := tracer.Start(ctx, "fetchCountryInfo")
	defer span.End()

	resp, err := http.Get("")
	if err != nil {
		return "", err
	defer resp.Body.Close()

	b, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
	if err != nil {
		return "", err

		attribute.String("ip", "self"),
		attribute.Int("resp_len", len(b)),

	return string(b), nil

func parseCountryInfo(ctx context.Context, s string) (code, country string, _ error) {
	ctx, span := tracer.Start(ctx, "parseCountryInfo")
	defer span.End()

	parts := strings.Split(s, ";")
	if len(parts) < 4 {
		err := fmt.Errorf("ip2c: can't parse response: %q", s)
		return "", "", err
	return parts[1], parts[3], nil

You can run it passing the DSN as an environment variable:

UPTRACE_DSN=https://<token><project_id> go run main.go

By following the trace link, you should see the trace that demonstrates that the app spends the majority of time in fetchCountryInfo function

Trace with two child spans


By using context.Context and OpenTelemetry APIopen in new window we were able to instrument our simple program. Curious to try it yourself? Check out Getting startedopen in new window guide for Go.

Last Updated:

Uptrace is an open source APM and DataDog alternative that supports OpenTelemetry traces, metrics, and logs. You can use it to monitor apps and set up alerts to receive notifications via email, Slack, Telegram, and more.

Uptrace can process billions of spans on a single server, allowing you to monitor your software at 10x less cost. View on GitHub →

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