Uptrace: Querying Metrics


To learn about metrics, see OpenTelemetry Metricsopen in new window documentation.

Uptrace provides a powerful query language that supports joining, grouping, and aggregating multiple metrics in a single query.

Uptrace aims to be compatible with the Prometheus query language while extending it in a meaningful way. If you're already familiar with PromQL, read this to learn how Uptrace is different .

Writing queries

Uptrace allows you to create dashboards using UI or YAML configuration files. This documentation uses the more compact YAML format, but you can achieve the same with the UI.


  - postgresql_backends as $backends

  - $backends


Grid item form

You can find the existing dashboard templates on GitHubopen in new window.


Because metric names can be quite long, Uptrace requires you to provide a short metric alias that must start with the dollar sign:

  # metric aliases always start with the dollar sign
  - system_filesystem_usage as $fs_usage
  - system_network_packets as $packets

You must then use the alias instead of the metric name when writing queries:

  - sum($fs_usage)

Uptrace also allows to specify an alias for expressions:

  - $fs_usage{state="used"} as used_space
  - $fs_usage{host_name='host1', device='/dev/sdd1'} as host1_sdd1

You can then reference the expression using the alias:

  - service_cache_redis as $redis
  - $redis{type="hits"} as hits
  - $redis{type="misses"} as misses
  - hits / (hits + misses) as hit_rate


Uptrace allows to customize grouping on the metric and function level:

$metric by (attr1, attr2)
sum($metric by (attr1, attr2))
avg(sum($metric by (attr1, attr2)) by (attr1))

You can also specify grouping for the whole expression:

$metric1 by (type) / $metric2 group by host_name

# The same.
$metric1 by (type, host_name) / $metric2 by (host_name)

And for the whole query affecting all expressions:

$metric1 | metric2 | group by host_name

# The same using expression-wide grouping.
$metric1 group by host_name | $metric2 group by host_name
# Or custom grouping.
$metric1 by (host_name) | $metric2 by (host_name)

Manipulating attributes

You can rename attributes like this:

$metric1 by (deployment_environment as env, service_name as service)
$metric1 | group by deployment_environment as env, service_name as service

To manipulate attribute values, you can use replace and replaceRegexp functions:

group by replace(host_name, 'uptrace-prod-', '') as host
group by replaceRegexp(host, `^`, 'prefix ') as host
group by replaceRegexp(host, `$`, ' suffix') as host

To change strings case, use upper and lower functions:

group by lower(host_name) as host
group by upper(host_name) as host

You can also use a regexp to extract a substring from the attribute value:

group by extract(host_name, `^uptrace-prod-(\w+)$`) as host


Uptrace supports all the same filters just like PromQL:


In addition, you can also add global filters that affect all expressions:

$metric1 | $metric2 | where host = "myhost" | where service = "myservice"

# The same using inline filters.
$metric1{host="myhost",service="myservice"} | $metric2{host="myhost",service="myservice"}

Global filters support the following operators:

  • =, !=, <, <=, >, >=, for example, where host_name = "myhost".
  • ~, !~, for example, where host_name ~ "^prod-[a-z]+-[0-9]+$".
  • like, not like, for example, where host_name like "prod-%".
  • in, not in, for example, where host_name in ("host1", "host2").


Uptrace supports math between series, for example, to add all equally-labelled series from both sides:

$mem_free + $mem_cached group by host_name, service_name

# The same.
$mem_free by (host_name, service_name) + $mem_cached by (host_name, service_name)

Uptrace also automatically supports one-to-many/many-to-one joins:

# One-to-many
$metric by (type) / $metric by (service_name, type)

# Many-to-one
$metric by (service_name, type) / $metric by (type)

If attribute names don't match, you can rename them like this:

$metric by (hostname as host) + $metric by (host_name as host)

Supported functions

Like Prometheus, Uptrace supports 3 different types of functions: aggregate, rollup, and transform.


Aggregate functions combine multiple timeseries using the specified function and grouping attributes. When possible, aggregation is pushed down to ClickHouse for maximum efficiency.

  • min
  • max
  • sum
  • avg
  • median, p50, p75, p90, p99, count. Only histograms.

The count function returns the number of observed values in a histogram. To count the number of timeseries, use uniq($metric, attr1, attr2), which efficiently counts the number of timeseries directly in ClickHouse.


Rollup (or range/window) functions calculate rollups over data points in the specified lookbehind window. The number of timeseries and the number of datapoints remains the same.

  • min_over_time, max_over_time, sum_over_time, avg_over_time, median_over_time
  • rate and irate
  • increase and delta

You can specify the lookbehind window in square brackets, e.g. rate($metric[5i]) where i is equal to the current interval. When omitted, the default lookbehind window is 10i.


Transform functions operate on each point of each timeseries. The number of timeseries and the number of datapoints remains the same.

  • abs
  • ceil, floor, trunc
  • cos, cosh, acos, acosh
  • sin, sinh, asin, asinh
  • tan, tanh, atan, atanh
  • exp, exp2
  • ln, log, log2, log10
  • perSec divides each point by the number of seconds in the grouping interval. You can achieve the same with $metric / _seconds.
  • perMin divides each point by the number of minutes in the grouping interval. You can achieve the same with $metric / _minutes.
  • clamp_min(ts timeseries, min scalar) clamps ts values to have a lower limit of min.
  • clamp_max(ts timeseries, max scalar) clamps ts values to have an upper limit of max.


Additionally, grouping functions manipulate attributes and can only be used in grouping expressions:

  • lower(attr) lowers the case of the attr value.
  • upper(attr) uppers the case of the attr value.
  • trimPrefix(attr, "prefix") removes the provided leading prefix string.
  • trimSuffix(attr, "suffix") removes the provided trailing suffix string.
  • extract(haystack, pattern) extracts a fragment of the haystack string using the regular expression pattern.
  • replace(haystack, substring, replacement) replaces all occurrences of the substring in haystack by the replacement string.
  • replaceRegexp(haystack, pattern, replacement) replaces all occurrences of the substring matching the regular expression pattern in haystack by the replacement string.

If Uptrace does not support the function you need, please open an issueopen in new window on GitHub.


The offset modifier allows to set time offset for a query.

For example, this query retrieves the value of http_requests_total from 5 minutes ago, relative to the query evaluation time:

http_requests_total offset 5m

A negative offset allows to look ahead of the query evaluation time:

http_requests_total offset -5m


OpenTelemetry offers various instrumentsopen in new window, each with its own set of aggregate functions:

Instrument NameTimeseries kind
Counteropen in new window, CounterObserveropen in new windowCounter
UpDownCounteropen in new window, UpDownCounterObserveropen in new windowAdditive
GaugeObserveropen in new windowGauge
Histogramopen in new windowHistogram
AWS CloudWatchSummary


Counter is a timeseries kind that measures additive non-decreasing values, for example, the total number of:

  • processed requests
  • received bytes
  • disk reads

Uptrace supports the following functions to aggregate counter timeseries:

ExpressionResult timeseries
$metricSum of timeseries
per_min($metric)$metric / _minutes
per_sec($metric)$metric / _seconds


Gauge is a timeseries kind that measures non-additive values for which sum does not produce a meaningful correct result, for example:

  • error rate
  • memory utilization
  • cache hit rate

Uptrace supports the following functions to aggregate gauge timeseries:

ExpressionResult timeseries
$metricAvg of timeseries
avg($metric)Avg of timeseries
min($metric)Min of timeseries
max($metric)Max of timeseries
sum($metric)Sum of timeseries
per_min($metric)$metric / _minutes
per_sec($metric)$metric / _seconds
delta($metric)Diff between curr and previous values

* Note that the sum, per_min, per_sec, and delta functions should not be normally used with this instrument and were added only for compatibility with Prometheus and AWS metrics. For the same reason, per_min(sum($metric)) and delta(sum($metric)) are also supported.


Additive is a timeseries kind which measures additive values that increase or decrease with time, for example, the number of:

  • active requests
  • open connections
  • memory in use (megabytes)

Uptrace supports the following functions to aggregate additive timeseries:

ExpressionResult timeseries
$metricSum of timeseries
sum($metric)Same as $metric
avg($metric)Avg of timeseries
min($metric)Min of timeseries
max($metric)Max of timeseries
per_min($metric)$metric / _minutes
per_sec($metric)$metric / _seconds
delta($metric)Diff between curr and previous values

* Note that the delta function should not be normally used with this instrument and was added only for compatibility with Prometheus and AWS metrics.


Histogram is a timeseries kind that contains a histogram from recorded values, for example:

  • request latency
  • request size

Uptrace supports the following functions to aggregate histogram timeseries:

ExpressionResult timeseries
count($metric)Number of observed values in timeseries
p50($metric)P50 of timeseries
p75($metric)P75 of timeseries
p90($metric)P90 of timeseries
p95($metric)P95 of timeseries
p99($metric)P99 of timeseries
avg($metric)sum($metric) / count($metric)
min($metric)Min observed value in the histogram
max($metric)Max observed value in the histogram

Note that you can also use per_min(count($metric)) and per_sec(count($metric)).


Sum is a timeseries kind that exists for compatibility with Prometheus and AWS Cloud Watch. It stores the min, max, sum, and count aggregates of observed values.

ExpressionResult timeseries
sum($metric)Sum of timeseries
count($metric)Number of observed values in timeseries
avg($metric)sum($metric) / count($metric)
min($metric)Min observed value
max($metric)Max observed value

Note that you can also use per_min(count($metric)) and per_sec(count($metric)).


What are timeseries?

A timeseries is a metric with an unique set of attributes, for example, each host has a separate timeseries for the same metric name:

# metric_name{ attr1, attr2... }
system_filesystem_usage{host_name='host1'} # timeseries 1
system_filesystem_usage{host_name='host2'} # timeseries 2

You can add more attributes to create more detailed and rich timeseries, for example, you can use state attribute to report the number of free and used bytes in a filesystem:

system_filesystem_usage{host_name='host1', state='free'} # timeseries 1
system_filesystem_usage{host_name='host1', state='used'} # timeseries 2

system_filesystem_usage{host_name='host2', state='free'} # timeseries 3
system_filesystem_usage{host_name='host2', state='used'} # timeseries 4

With just 2 attributes, you can write a number of useful queries:

# the filesystem size (free+used bytes) on each host
  - sum($fs_usage) group by host_name

# the number of free bytes on each host
  - sum($fs_usage{state='free'}) as free group by host_name

# fs utilization on each host
  - sum($fs_usage{state='used'}) / sum($fs_usage) as fs_util group by host_name

# the size of your dataset on all hosts
  - sum($fs_usage{state='used'}) as dataset_size

Binary operator precedence

The following list shows the precedence of binary operators in Uptrace, from highest to lowest.

  • ^
  • *, /, %
  • +, -
  • ==, !=, <=, <, >=, >
  • and, unless
  • or

Operators on the same precedence level are left-associative. For example, 2 * 3 % 2 is equivalent to (2 * 3) % 2.

See also

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