Top 5 New Relic Competitors & Alternatives in 2024 [Including Open-Source]

While New Relic has long been a popular choice for Application Performance Monitoring (APM), the tech landscape has brought forth several compelling alternatives. This guide provides an in-depth look at the top New Relic competitors and alternatives including open-source, comparing their features, strengths, and use cases to help you make an informed decision for your organization's needs.

New Relic Alternatives Overview
New Relic Alternatives Overview

Understanding the APM in 2024

The APM market has significantly evolved since its inception. Today's tools offer much more than simple performance metrics:

  • Real-time performance monitoring
  • Error tracking and alerting
  • Distributed tracing across microservices
  • Log management and analysis
  • Infrastructure monitoring
  • User experience tracking
  • AI-powered anomaly detection and root cause analysis

Top 10 APM Tools in 2024

APM Evolution Timeline (img form
APM Evolution Timeline (img form

Why Consider New Relic Alternatives?

While New Relic remains a strong player, organizations might look for alternatives due to:

  1. Cost Optimization: New Relic's pricing can become expensive as data ingestion grows.
  2. Feature Set: Some competitors offer unique features that align better with specific use cases.
  3. Integration Capabilities: Alternatives might provide smoother integration with existing tech stacks.
  4. User Experience: Interface design and ease of use vary between tools.
  5. Data Retention: Some alternatives offer longer data retention periods.
  6. Open Source Options: Organizations may prefer open-source solutions for greater flexibility and community support.

Top New Relic Competitors and Alternatives

1. Datadog: The All-in-One Observability Platform

Datadog has emerged as a main competitor to New Relic, offering a comprehensive suite of monitoring and analytics tools.

Key Features:

  • Unified platform for metrics, traces, and logs
  • Strong cloud integration capabilities
  • AI-powered alerting and forecasting
  • Robust API and extensive third-party integrations

Best DataDog Competitors in 2024

Real-world Example: When debugging a performance issue in a microservices architecture, Datadog allows you to start with a high-level view of your services, drill down into specific traces, and correlate that with relevant logs and metrics—all within the same platform.

from datadog_api_client import ApiClient, Configuration
from datadog_api_client.v2.api.metrics_api import MetricsApi

configuration = Configuration()
with ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
    api_instance = MetricsApi(api_client)
    response = api_instance.list_metrics(

This snippet demonstrates how easy it is to query metrics using Datadog's API, allowing for seamless integration into existing workflows.

2. Dynatrace: AI-Powered Observability

Dynatrace sets itself apart with its AI engine, Davis, which automates many aspects of performance monitoring and problem detection.

Key Features:

  • Automatic discovery and mapping of application topology
  • AI-driven root cause analysis
  • Full-stack monitoring from infrastructure to user experience
  • Strong support for cloud-native and hybrid environments

Real-world Example: In a scenario where an e-commerce platform experiences a sudden drop in sales, Dynatrace's AI can automatically correlate this business impact with a degradation in database performance, pinpointing the exact query causing the slowdown.

3. Elastic Observability: The Open Core Alternative

For those seeking a New Relic open source alternative, Elastic Observability presents a compelling option. Part of the Elastic Stack (formerly ELK Stack), it provides a powerful open-core solution for APM that can be customized and extended to meet specific organizational needs.

Key Features:

  • Integrated logs, metrics, and traces
  • Machine learning for anomaly detection
  • Flexible deployment options (self-hosted or cloud)
  • Strong search capabilities powered by Elasticsearch

Real-world Example: When managing a content delivery network, Elastic Observability allows you to ingest server logs, CDN metrics, and application traces to create a holistic view of your content delivery pipeline, all searchable with Elasticsearch's powerful query language. This open source approach provides the flexibility many organizations need when looking for a New Relic alternative.

4. Prometheus + Grafana: The Open-Source Powerhouse

Another strong New Relic open source alternative is the combination of Prometheus for metrics collectionopen in new window and Grafana for visualization. This pairing has become increasingly popular, especially in Kubernetes environments, offering a fully open source solution for those who prefer complete control over their monitoring stack.

Key Features:

  • Highly scalable metrics collection
  • Powerful PromQL query language
  • Extensive ecosystem of exporters
  • Flexible and customizable dashboards with Grafana

Grafana vs Prometheus Comparison

Real-world Example: In a Kubernetes cluster, you can use Prometheus to collect metrics from all your pods and nodes, then create detailed, real-time dashboards in Grafana to monitor cluster health, application performance, and resource utilization. This open source alternative to New Relic provides unparalleled flexibility and community support.

kind: ServiceMonitor
  name: example-app
    team: frontend
      app: example-app
    - port: web

This Kubernetes manifest shows how easy it is to set up monitoring for your services using Prometheus Operator, demonstrating the power and simplicity of this open source New Relic alternative.

Mastering Kubernetes Logging - Detailed Guide to kubectl logs

5. Uptrace: The Up-and-Coming Contender

Uptrace is a newer player in the APM space, focusing on providing a more cost-effective and user-friendly alternative to established solutions.

Key Features:

  • Open source core with optional cloud offering
  • Distributed tracing with OpenTelemetry
  • SQL query performance monitoring
  • Affordable pricing model

Real-world Example: For a multi-region microservices application, Uptrace enables easy implementation of distributed tracingopen in new window across all services, regardless of the programming language or framework, thanks to its support for OpenTelemetryopen in new window.

Choosing the Right New Relic Alternative

Selecting the ideal APM tool requires careful consideration of your organization's specific needs and technical environment. Here are some key factors to consider:

  1. Scalability: How well does the tool handle increasing data volumes and complexity?
  2. Ease of Use: Will your team be able to quickly adopt and effectively use the tool?
  3. Integration: Does it integrate well with your existing technology stack?
  4. Cost: How does the pricing model align with your budget and growth projections?
  5. Support and Community: Is there robust documentation, customer support, or an active community?
  6. Unique Features: Are there specific capabilities that align with your particular use cases?

Remember, the best tool is the one that fits your specific needs and context. Take advantage of free trials and proof-of-concept projects to test different options before making a decision.


The landscape of New Relic alternatives is diverse and continually evolving, with each option offering unique strengths. Whether you're drawn to the AI-powered insights of Dynatrace, the open-source flexibility of Prometheus and Grafana, or the cost-effectiveness of up-and-coming solutions like Uptrace, there's a tool out there that can elevate your observability capabilities.

The key is to align your choice with your organization's specific needs, technical requirements, and future growth plans. Implementing an APM solution is not just about tools—it's about fostering a culture of observability and continuous improvement within your team.

As you evaluate your options, keep an eye on emerging technologies in the field of observability. Innovations like OpenTelemetry and AIOps are shaping the future of how we monitor and manage our digital systems.

Take the time to thoroughly evaluate your options, run experiments, and find the APM solution that will best support your organization's goals. With the right observability solution in place, you'll be well-equipped to maintain high performance, quickly resolve issues, and drive continuous improvement in your digital services.

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