Using Vector to ingest logs into Uptrace
Vector collects, transforms, and sends your logs to multiple destinations including Uptrace. It is blazingly fast and memory efficient.
To configure Vector to send logs to Uptrace, use the HTTP sink and pass your project DSN via HTTP headers.
For example, to collect syslog messages, you can create the following Vector config:
type = "file"
include = ["/var/log/syslog"]
type = "remap"
inputs = ["syslog"]
source = '''
. = parse_syslog!(string!(.message))
type = "http"
method = "post"
inputs = ["parse_syslog"]
encoding.codec = "json"
framing.method = "newline_delimited"
compression = "gzip"
request.headers.uptrace-dsn = "<FIXME>"
uri = ""
Copy the config above to vector.toml
and then start Vector:
vector --config=vector.toml
To see the data Vector sends to Uptrace, use the console sink:
type = "console"
inputs = [ "my-source-or-transform-id" ]
See vector-logs example for details.
VRL and attributes
Vector remap language (VRL) allows you to parse logs and set key-value pairs (attributes), for example:
type = "remap"
inputs = ["apache_common_logs"]
source = '''
. = parse_apache_log!(string!(.message), "common")
.log_source = "apache"
You should be careful with attribute names that contain a dot, because Vector uses the dot to create nested structures. For example, this Vector statement: = "my_service"
Produces the following nested JSON, which Uptrace no longer recognizes as a
attribute and leaves as is:
"service": {
"name": "my_service"
Instead, you should replace dots with underscores or quote the attribute name:
.service_name = "my_service"
# or
."" = "my_service"
Nested JSON
If you have nested JSON values, you might want to use flatten function to transform the value into a single-level representation, for example:
. = flatten({
"parent1": {
"child1": 1,
"child2": 2
"parent2": {
"child3": 3
"parent1.child1": 1,
"parent1.child2": 2,
"parent2.child3": 3
Display name and grouping
Typically Uptrace is able to automatically generate a short summary for logs using the log.message
attribute, but occasionally you may want to provide a custom summary.
This is where the display_name
attribute comes in handy. The display_name
attribute is a human-readable string that provides a short summary of the log event.
type = "remap"
inputs = ["apache_common_logs"]
source = '''
. = parse_apache_log!(string!(.message), "common")
.display_name = join([.protocol, .method], " ") ?? ""
Uptrace does not use display names for grouping, so you're free to put whatever you want there.
To control how Uptrace groups logs together, you can specify the grouping_fingerprint
attribute which can be a string or a number (hash). Uptrace will group logs with the same fingerprint together.
type = "remap"
inputs = ["apache_common_logs"]
source = '''
. = parse_apache_log!(string!(.message), "common")
.grouping_fingerprint = join([.protocol, .method], " ") ?? ""
Log time
Uptraces uses the following fields in order to determine the log time:
If such a field is found and it contains a valid time, Uptrace uses the time as the log time and drops the field.
For example:
timestamp=2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00 rest of the message
time="2006-01-02 15:04:05" rest of the message
{"datetime": "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00", "message": "rest of the message"}
Uptrace Enterprise (including Uptrace Cloud) drops logs that are older than 24 hours. The same limitation applies to spans and metrics.
Converting logs to spans
When parsing HTTP or SQL logs, it might be useful to convert logs into spans by providing span name, duration, and some other fields.
For example, you can set attributes using remap
type = "remap"
inputs = ["in"]
source = '''
.span_name = "<span name>"
.span_kind = "server"
.span_duration = 12345 # nanoseconds
Uptrace recognizes the following span-related attributes:
in hex-encoded format, for example,958180131ddde684c1dbda1aeacf51d3
is the id of the parent span, for example,0cf859e4f7510204
is the span name. Required.span_kind
is the span kind.span_duration
is the span duration in nanoseconds.
You can also use all available semantic attributes.
Heroku logs
You can collect logs from Heroku’s Logplex and push them to Uptrace.
Fly logs
You can ship logs from apps to Uptrace using NATS and Vector.