Install Uptrace

Install Uptrace

To install Uptrace on your computer, you need to:

  1. Create a ClickHouse database to store telemetry data.
  2. Create a PostgreSQL database to store users and projects.
  3. Install Uptrace binary.
  4. Start sending data using OpenTelemetry protocol.
  5. Enjoy! 🎉


Dockeropen in new window example can get you started with Uptrace in no time. If you are using Kubernetes, you can also try Uptrace Helm chartopen in new window.


All Uptrace configuration is done with a single YAML file that can be downloaded from GitHubopen in new window:

mv uptrace.dist.yml uptrace.yml

You can then specify the config file location when starting Uptrace:

uptrace --config=/path/to/uptrace.yml serve

See Configuration for more details.


Uptrace requires a ClickHouse database to store telemetry data such as traces, logs, and metrics. ClickHouse is an open source columnar database management system designed to handle large amounts of data and execute complex analytical queries with low latency.

After installingopen in new window ClickHouse, you can create uptrace database like this:

clickhouse-client -q "CREATE DATABASE uptrace"

On startup, Uptrace connects to the ClickHouse database specified in the uptrace.yml configuration file and automatically creates the required tables and views.

# uptrace.yml

  addr: localhost:9000
  user: default
  database: uptrace


Uptrace also requires a PostgreSQL database to store metadata such as metric names and alerts. Typically, the PostgreSQL database requires only a few megabytes of disk space.

After installing PostgreSQL, you can create database like this:

sudo -u postgres psql
postgres=# create database uptrace;
postgres=# create user uptrace with encrypted password 'uptrace';
postgres=# grant all privileges on database uptrace to uptrace;
postgres=# \c uptrace
postgres=# grant all on schema public to uptrace;

On startup, Uptrace connects to the PostgreSQL database specified in the uptrace.yml configuration file and automatically creates the required tables and views.

# uptrace.yml

  addr: localhost:5432
  user: uptrace
  password: uptrace
  database: uptrace



Uptrace provides DEB and RPM packages for Linux amd64/arm64 systems. After installing the approriate package, you will have:

  • Uptrace binary at /usr/bin/uptrace.
  • Uptrace config at /etc/uptrace/uptrace.yml.
  • Systemd service at /lib/systemd/system/uptrace.service.
  • Environment file used by the systemd service at /etc/uptrace/uptrace.conf.

To check the status of Uptrace service:

sudo systemctl status uptrace

To restart Uptrace:

sudo systemctl restart uptrace

To view Uptrace logs:

sudo journalctl -u uptrace -f


To install Debian package, run the following command replacing 1.0.0 with the desired version and amd64 with the desired architecture:

sudo dpkg -i uptrace_1.0.0_amd64.deb


To install RPM package, run the following command replacing 1.0.0 with the desired version and x86_64 with the desired architecture:

sudo rpm -ivh uptrace-1.0.0-1.x86_64.rpm


Alternatively, instead of installing DEB or RPM packages, you can downloadopen in new window a pre-compiled binary and install Uptrace manually.


Download Linux binary:

wget -O ./uptrace
chmod +x ./uptrace

Download Uptrace config:

mv uptrace.dist.yml uptrace.yml

Start Uptrace:

./uptrace --config=uptrace.yml serve


Download MacOS binary:

wget -O uptrace
chmod +x uptrace

Download Uptrace config:

mv uptrace.dist.yml uptrace.yml

Start Uptrace:

./uptrace --config=uptrace.yml serve

You may need to update ClickHouse connection string in uptrace.yml using ch.dsn option.


Download Windows binary:

curl uptrace

Download Uptrace config:

mv uptrace.dist.yml uptrace.yml

Start Uptrace:

uptrace_windows_amd64.exe --config=uptrace.yml serve

You may need to update ClickHouse connection string in uptrace.yml using ch.dsn option.


For pre-compiled binaries for other platforms, check GitHub Releasesopen in new window.

Start sending data

To start sending data, you can use OpenTelemetry distros that are pre-configured to work with Uptrace. Uptrace uses OpenTelemetry protocol (OTLP) to receive telemetry data such as tracesopen in new window, metricsopen in new window, and logsopen in new window. As a transport protocol, OTLP can use gRPC (OTLP/gRPC) or HTTP (OTLP/HTTP).

Uptrace supports OTLP/gRPC on the port 14317 and OTLP/HTTP on the port 14318. Both ports are specified in the Uptrace DSN that you will receive after installing Uptrace, for example:

OpenTelemetry GoOTLP/gRPC14317
OpenTelemetry .NETOTLP/gRPC14317
OpenTelemetry PythonOTLP/gRPC14317
OpenTelemetry RustOTLP/gRPC14317
OpenTelemetry Node.jsOTLP/HTTP14318
OpenTelemetry RubyOTLP/HTTP14318
OpenTelemetry JavaOTLP/HTTP14317
OpenTelemetry PHPOTLP/HTTP14318
OpenTelemetry Erlang/ElixirOTLP/gRPC14317

GitHub notifications

To get notified about a new Uptrace release, star the uptrace/uptraceopen in new window repo and subscribe to notifications.

  1. Click on "Watch" -> "Custom".
  2. Select "Releases".
  3. Click on "Apply" to save changes.

GitHub notifications

What's next?

Next, learn how to configure Uptrace for your needs or browse available OpenTelemetry instrumentations to find examples for your frameworks and libraries.

Last Updated: