Monitor Erlang/Elixir applications with Uptrace
This document explains how to configure OpenTelemetry Erlang/Elixir SDK to export spans to Uptrace using OTLP/gRPC.
OpenTelemetry SDK starts up its supervision tree on boot, so initial configuration must be done through the Application or environment variables.
To send data to a self-managed Uptrace installation:
config :opentelemetry,
span_processor: :batch,
traces_exporter: :otlp
config :opentelemetry_exporter,
otlp_protocol: :grpc,
otlp_compression: :gzip,
otlp_endpoint: "http://localhost:14317"
otlp_headers: [{"uptrace-dsn", "http://project2_secret_token@localhost:14318?grpc=14317"}]
[{span_processor, batch},
{traces_exporter, otlp}]},
[{otlp_protocol, grpc},
{otlp_compression, gzip},
{otlp_endpoint, "http://localhost:14317"},
{otlp_headers, [{"uptrace-dsn", "http://project2_secret_token@localhost:14318?grpc=14317"}]]}]}
To send data to Uptrace Cloud:
config :opentelemetry,
span_processor: :batch,
traces_exporter: :otlp
config :opentelemetry_exporter,
otlp_protocol: :grpc,
otlp_compression: :gzip,
otlp_endpoint: ""
otlp_headers: [{"uptrace-dsn", ""}]
[{span_processor, batch},
{traces_exporter, otlp}]},
[{otlp_protocol, grpc},
{otlp_compression, gzip},
{otlp_endpoint, ""},
{otlp_headers, [{"uptrace-dsn", ""}]]}]}
See the official documentation for the full list of available options.
Environment variables
You can also configure OpenTelemetry using the environment variables.
To send data to a self-managed Uptrace installation:
To send data to Uptrace Cloud:
See the official documentation for the full list of available options.
OpenTelemetry Phoenix
To use OpenTelemetry Phoenix, you'll need to add the opentelemetry_phoenix
library to your application's dependencies in the mix.exs
In your application start:
def start(_type, _args) do
OpentelemetryPhoenix.setup(adapter: :cowboy2)
children = [
{Phoenix.PubSub, name: MyApp.PubSub},
opts = [strategy: :one_for_one, name: MyStore.Supervisor]
Supervisor.start_link(children, opts)
See the official documentation for the full list of supported options.
OpenTelemetry Ecto
OpenTelemetry Ecto is a set of packages and libraries for instrumenting the Ecto library with OpenTelemetry.
OpenTelemetry Ecto provides the ability to trace Ecto database operations, such as database queries and changes, and to measure the performance and resource utilization of these operations. This information can then be analyzed to understand how an application is using the database and to identify performance bottlenecks and other issues.
To use OpenTelemetry Elixir Ecto, you'll need to add the opentelemetry_ecto
library to your application's dependencies in the mix.exs
In your application start
OpentelemetryEcto.setup([:blog, :repo])
See the official documentation for the full list of supported options.