Uptrace Configuration

Uptrace Configuration

You can customize Uptrace settings and change the generated ClickHouse database schema with a single YAML config file.

Config file

All Uptrace configuration is done with a single YAML file that can be downloaded from GitHubopen in new window:

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/uptrace/uptrace/master/config/uptrace.dist.yml
mv uptrace.dist.yml uptrace.yml

Config location

You can specify the location of Uptrace config using a CLI arg:

uptrace --config=/path/to/uptrace.yml serve

Or using an env variable:

UPTRACE_CONFIG=/path/to/uptrace.yml uptrace serve

When you don't explicitly specify the config location, Uptrace will check for a config file in the following locations:

  1. ./uptrace.yml
  2. ./config/uptrace.yml
  3. /etc/uptrace/uptrace.yml

When started, Uptrace logs the location of the config file it is using, but you can also view the config via CLI:

uptrace config dump


Uptrace requires a PostgreSQL database to store metadata such as metric names and alerts. It is typically very small, occupying only a few megabytes of disk space.

You can configure the PostgreSQL database credentials in the config:

## PostgreSQL db that is used to store metadata such us metric names, dashboards, alerts,
## and so on.
  addr: localhost:5432
  user: uptrace
  password: uptrace
  database: uptrace

  # TLS configuration. Uncomment to enable.
  # tls:
  #   insecure_skip_verify: true # only for self-signed certificates

See TLS for details.

Environment variables

You can use environment variables in the YAML config file, for example:

  addr: ${UPTRACE_PG_ADDR}
  user: ${UPTRACE_PG_USER}
  password: ${UPTRACE_PG_PASSWORD}
  database: ${UPTRACE_PG_DATABASE:uptrace}

Environment variables can have a default value, for example, ${ENV_VAR_NAME:default_value}.

Environment variables are expanded before parsing the YAML content using the os.Expandopen in new window function.


You can configure the ClickHouse database credentials in the config:

  addr: localhost:9000
  user: default
  database: uptrace

To use TLS connections, you need to enable the secure TCP port (9440) in the ClickHouse config:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

And then use the port in the Uptrace config:

  addr: localhost:9440
  user: default
  database: uptrace

    # Only for self-signed certificates.
    insecure_skip_verify: true

See TLS for details.

ClickHouse schema

The options described below allow to change the ClickHouse schema generated by Uptrace. For changes to take effect, you must reset the ClickHouse database:

uptrace ch reset


You can configure data retention for spans and metrics like this:

    # Delete spans data after 30 days.
    ttl_delete: 30 DAY
    storage_policy: 'default'

    # Delete metrics data after 90 days.
    ttl_delete: 90 DAY
    storage_policy: 'default'

That will cause Uptrace to set TTL toDate(time) + INTERVAL 30 DAY DELETE and SETTINGS storage_policy = 'default' when creating ClickHouse tables.


You can configure the compression method used in ClickHouse tables like this:

  # Compression codec, for example, LZ4, ZSTD(3), or Default.
  compression: ZSTD(3)


To start replicating ClickHouse tables, you need to:

  1. Configureopen in new window ClickHouse cluster to have at least 3 replicas:


Don't turn off internal_replication. If you have internal_replication = false and a replicated table, you will get duplicates because the distributed table inserts data into all replicas while the underlying replicated table also replicates the data.

  1. Update the uptrace.yml config file using the cluster name from the previous step:
  cluster: uptrace1
  replicated: true
  1. Reset the ClickHouse database to apply changes:
uptrace ch reset

You can verify that replication is working as expected using clickhouse-client:

FROM system.replicas

Query id: 8c8fd156-5d8a-4b9f-a2b1-a4af5d498a70

│ uptrace  │ measure_hours   │         1 │ {'replica1':1,'replica2':1,'replica3':1} │
│ uptrace  │ measure_minutes │         1 │ {'replica1':1,'replica2':1,'replica3':1} │
│ uptrace  │ spans_data      │         1 │ {'replica1':1,'replica2':1,'replica3':1} │
│ uptrace  │ spans_index     │         1 │ {'replica1':1,'replica2':1,'replica3':1} │

S3 storage


S3 storage can significantly slow down your ClickHouse database. Use at your own risk.

ClickHouse supports S3-like storage out-of-the-box and allows to move data to S3 using TTL statements on tables, for example:

CREATE TABLE test (...)
TTL toDate(time) + INTERVAL 30 DAY DELETE,
    toDate(time) + INTERVAL 10 DAY TO VOLUME 's3'

First, you need to create a ClickHouse storage policy by editing config.xml:

        <!-- <keep_free_space_bytes>2147483648</keep_free_space_bytes> -->





Then, use the following commands to update tables TTL to start moving data to the S3 volume:

# spans_index table: move data to S3 after 14 days
uptrace ch_schema ttl_move --table=spans_index --after="14 DAY" --storage=tiered

# spans_data table: move data to S3 after 5 days
uptrace ch_schema ttl_move --table=spans_data --after="7 DAY" --storage=tiered

Managing projects

Uptrace allows you to configure as many projects as you want in the YAML config:

  - id: 1
    name: Uptrace
    # Token grants write access to the project. Keep a secret.
    token: project1_secret_token
    # A list of attributes to pin on the Overview page.
      - service_name
      - host_name
      - deployment_environment

Managing users

You can configure users that are allowed to use the Uptrace UI in the auth section of the config:

    - name: John Doe
      email: uptrace@localhost
      password: uptrace
      notify_by_email: true

You can also connect Uptrace to Okta, Keycloak, Cloudflare, and Google.

Sending emails

To send email notifications, you need to configure a SMTP mailer:

## SMTP settings to send emails.
## https://uptrace.dev/get/alerting.html
  # Whether to use this mailer for sending emails.
  enabled: true
  # SMTP server host.
  host: localhost
  # SMTP server port.
  port: 1025
  # Username for authentication.
  username: mailhog
  # Password for authentication.
  password: mailhog
  # Uncomment to disable opportunistic TLS.
  #tls: { disabled: true }
  # Emails will be send from this address.
  from: 'uptrace@localhost'

Changing ports

By default, Uptrace listens on ports 14317 (OTLP/gRPC) and 14318 (OTLP/HTTP) to not conflict with the corresponding OpenTelemetry Collector ports: 4317 and 4318.

You can change the ports in the config, for example:

    addr: ':4317'
    # tls:
    #   cert_file: config/tls/uptrace.crt
    #   key_file: config/tls/uptrace.key

  # OTLP/HTTP API and Uptrace API with Vue UI.
    addr: ':4318'
    # tls:
    #   cert_file: config/tls/uptrace.crt
    #   key_file: config/tls/uptrace.key

You can also change the Uptrace domain for Vue-powered UI and DSN/endpoints:

  # Overrides public URL for Vue-powered UI.
  addr: 'http://uptrace.mydomain.com'

Don't forget to restart Uptrace:

sudo systemctl restart uptrace


TLS Server

First, generate a self-signed certificate replacing localhost with your domain:

openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -sha256 -days 3650 -nodes \
  -keyout uptrace.key -out uptrace.crt -subj "/CN=localhost" \
  -addext "subjectAltName=DNS:localhost"

Then, add the certificate to the list of trusted certificates:

sudo cp uptrace.crt /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/
sudo update-ca-certificates

Finally, configure Uptrace to start using the certificate you just created:

    addr: ':14317'
      cert_file: config/tls/uptrace.crt
      key_file: config/tls/uptrace.key
      #ca_file path/to/ca_file

  # OTLP/HTTP and Uptrace API with UI.
    addr: ':14318'
      cert_file: config/tls/uptrace.crt
      key_file: config/tls/uptrace.key
      #ca_file path/to/ca_file

You can also change the Uptrace domain for Vue-powered UI:

  # Overrides public URL for Vue-powered UI.
  addr: 'https://uptrace.mydomain.com'

Don't forget to restart Uptrace:

sudo systemctl restart uptrace

TLS Client

You can also use TLS when connecting to PostgreSQL, ClickHouse, and Kafka:

  # Use the host/system certificate.
  tls: {}

  # Use TLS, but don't verify the server's certificate chain and host name.
    insecure_skip_verify: true

  # Load certificate from the file.
    cert_file: path/to/uptrace.crt
    key_file: path/to/uptrace.key
    #ca_file path/to/ca_file

To disable TLS:

  tls: null

Instead of enabling insecure_skip_verify, you can also override the server name specified in the server's certificate:

  addr: tm849a32za.us-central1.gcp.clickhouse.cloud:9440
  # Use TLS, but override the server name.
  # Required by ClickHouse Cloud.
    server_name_override: 'tm849a32za.us-central1.gcp.clickhouse.cloud'

Reverse proxy

If you are running Uptrace behind a proxy such as Nginx or Haproxy, you will need to configure the domain name so that Uptrace knows how to render links and redirects properly:

  addr: 'https://uptrace.mydomain.com'

You can also run Uptrace behind a subpath, for example, http://mydomain.com/uptrace:

  addr: 'https://mydomain.com/uptrace'


Most of the time Uptrace performance will be limited by the ClickHouse database performance. When scaling ClickHouse, prefer vertical scaling over horizontal scaling.

Here are some quotes from the ClickHouse blogopen in new window:

We commonly find successful deployments with ClickHouse deployed on servers with hundreds of cores, terabytes of RAM, and petabytes of disk space.

Scaling vertically first has a number of benefits, principally cost efficiency, lower cost of ownership (with respect to operations), and better query performance due to the minimization of data on the network for operations such as JOINs.

With this in mind, Uptrace Community Edition was also designed for vertical scaling. It can support very large deployments with billions of requests per day and millions of time series.

When vertical scaling stops delivering, you can consider purchasing Uptrace Enterprise edition, which also supports horizontal scaling.

Last Updated: