OpenTelemetry Node.js distro for Uptrace

This document explains how to configure OpenTelemetry JavaScript SDK for Node.js to export spans and metrics to Uptrace using OTLP/HTTP.

To learn about OpenTelemetry API, see OpenTelemetry JS Tracing APIopen in new window and OpenTelemetry JS Metrics APIopen in new window.

Uptrace Node.js

uptrace-jsopen in new window is a thin wrapper over opentelemetry-jsopen in new window that configures OpenTelemetry SDK to export data to Uptrace. It does not add any new functionality and is provided only for your convenience.

To install @uptrace/node:

# npm
npm install @uptrace/node --save

# yarn
yarn add @uptrace/node --save


You can configure Uptrace client using a DSN (Data Source Name) from the project settings page.


You must call configureOpentelemetry as early as possible and before importing other packages, because OpenTelemetry SDK must patch libraries before you import them.

// The very first import must be Uptrace/OpenTelemetry.
const uptrace = require('@uptrace/node')
const otel = require('@opentelemetry/api')

// Start OpenTelemetry SDK and invoke instrumentations to patch the code.
  // copy your project DSN here or use UPTRACE_DSN env var
  //dsn: '',
  serviceName: 'myservice',
  serviceVersion: '1.0.0',
  deploymentEnvironment: 'production',

// Other imports. Express is monkey-patched at this point.
const express = require('express')

// Create a tracer.
const tracer = otel.trace.getTracer('app_or_package_name')

// Start the app.
const app = express()

To avoid potential issues, it is strongly recommended to put the OpenTelemetry initialization code into a separate file called otel.js and use the --require flag to load the tracing code before the application code:

# JavaScript
node --require ./otel.js app.js

# TypeScript
ts-node --require ./otel.ts app.ts

If you are using AWS Lambda, you need to set the NODE_OPTIONS environment variable:

export NODE_OPTIONS="--require otel.js"

See express-pgopen in new window for a working example.

Automatic instrumentation

Whenever you load a module, OpenTelemetry automatically checks if there a matching instrumentation plugin and uses it to patch the original package.

You can also register instrumentations manually:

const uptrace = require('@uptrace/node')
const { HttpInstrumentation } = require('@opentelemetry/instrumentation-http')
const { PgInstrumentation } = require('@opentelemetry/instrumentation-pg')

  // Set dsn or UPTRACE_DSN env var.
  dsn: '',

  serviceName: 'myservice',
  serviceVersion: '1.0.0',

  instrumentations: [new PgInstrumentation(), new HttpInstrumentation()],

Configuration options

You can use the following options to configure Uptrace client.

dsnA data source that is used to connect to For example, https://<token><project_id>. resource attribute. For example, myservice.
serviceVersionservice.version resource attribute. For example, 1.0.0.
deploymentEnvironmentdeployment.environment resource attribute. For example, production.
resourceAttributesAny other resource attributes.
resourceResource contains attributes representing an entity that produces telemetry. Resource attributes are copied to all spans and events.

You can also use environment variables to configure the client:

Env varDescription
UPTRACE_DSNA data source that is used to connect to For example, https://<token><project_id>.
OTEL_RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTESKey-value pairs to be used as resource attributes. For example,,service.version=1.0.0.
OTEL_SERVICE_NAME=myserviceSets the value of the resource attribute. Takes precedence over OTEL_RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTES.
OTEL_PROPAGATORSPropagators to be used as a comma separated list. The default is tracecontext,baggage.

See OpenTelemetry documentationopen in new window for details.


Spend 5 minutes to install OpenTelemetry distro, generate your first trace, and click the link in your terminal to view the trace.

# npm
npm install @uptrace/node --save

# yarn
yarn add @uptrace/node --save
'use strict'

// The very first import must be Uptrace/OpenTelemetry.
const otel = require('@opentelemetry/api')
const uptrace = require('@uptrace/node')

// Start OpenTelemetry SDK and invoke instrumentations to patch the code.
  // Set dsn or UPTRACE_DSN env var.
  //dsn: '',
  serviceName: 'myservice',
  serviceVersion: '1.0.0',

// Create a tracer. Usually, tracer is a global variable.
const tracer = otel.trace.getTracer('app_or_package_name', '1.0.0')

// Create a root span (a trace) to measure some operation.
tracer.startActiveSpan('main-operation', (main) => {
  tracer.startActiveSpan('GET /posts/:id', (child1) => {
    child1.setAttribute('http.method', 'GET')
    child1.setAttribute('http.route', '/posts/:id')
    child1.setAttribute('http.url', 'http://localhost:8080/posts/123')
    child1.setAttribute('http.status_code', 200)
    child1.recordException(new Error('error1'))

  tracer.startActiveSpan('SELECT', (child2) => {
    child2.setAttribute('db.system', 'mysql')
    child2.setAttribute('db.statement', 'SELECT * FROM posts LIMIT 100')

  // End the span when the operation we are measuring is done.


setTimeout(async () => {
  // Send buffered spans and free resources.
  await uptrace.shutdown()
node main.js<trace_id>
  • Step 4. Follow the link to view the trace:

Basic trace

Already using OTLP exporter?

If you are already using OTLP exporter, you can continue to use it with Uptrace by changing some configuration options.

To maximize performance and efficiency, consider the following recommendations when configuring OpenTelemetry SDK.

Use BatchSpanProcessor to export multiple spans in a single request.AllEssential
Enable gzip compression to compress the data before sending and reduce the traffic cost.AllEssential
Prefer delta metrics temporality, because such metrics are smaller and Uptrace must convert cumulative metrics to delta anyway.MetricsRecommended
Prefer Protobuf encoding over JSON.AllRecommended
Use AWS X-Ray ID generator for OpenTelemetry.Traces, LogsOptional

To configure OpenTelemetry to send data to Uptrace, use the provided endpoint and pass the DSN via uptrace-dsn header:


Most languages allow to configure OTLP exporter using environment variables:

# Uncomment the appropriate protocol for your programming language.
# Only for OTLP/gRPC
# Only for OTLP/HTTP

# Pass Uptrace DSN in gRPC/HTTP headers.
export OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_HEADERS="uptrace-dsn="

# Enable gzip compression.

# Enable exponential histograms.

# Prefer delta temporality.

When configuring BatchSpanProcessor, use the following settings:

# Maximum allowed time to export data in milliseconds.

# Maximum batch size.
# Using larger batch sizes can be problematic,
# because Uptrace rejects requests larger than 20MB.

# Maximum queue size.
# Increase queue size if you have lots of RAM, for example,
# `10000 * number_of_gigabytes`.

# Max concurrent exports.
# Setting this to the number of available CPUs might be a good idea.

Exporting traces

Hereopen in new window is how you can export traces to Uptrace following the recommendations above:

'use strict'

const otel = require('@opentelemetry/api')
const { BatchSpanProcessor } = require('@opentelemetry/sdk-trace-base')
const { Resource } = require('@opentelemetry/resources')
const { NodeSDK } = require('@opentelemetry/sdk-node')
const { OTLPTraceExporter } = require('@opentelemetry/exporter-trace-otlp-http')
const { AWSXRayIdGenerator } = require('@opentelemetry/id-generator-aws-xray')

const dsn = process.env.UPTRACE_DSN
console.log('using dsn:', dsn)

const exporter = new OTLPTraceExporter({
  url: '',
  headers: { 'uptrace-dsn': dsn },
  compression: 'gzip',
const bsp = new BatchSpanProcessor(exporter, {
  maxExportBatchSize: 1000,
  maxQueueSize: 1000,

const sdk = new NodeSDK({
  spanProcessor: bsp,
  resource: new Resource({
    '': 'myservice',
    'service.version': '1.0.0',
  idGenerator: new AWSXRayIdGenerator(),

const tracer = otel.trace.getTracer('app_or_package_name', '1.0.0')

tracer.startActiveSpan('main', (main) => {
  console.log('trace id:', main.spanContext().traceId)

// Send buffered spans.
setTimeout(async () => {
  await sdk.shutdown()
}, 1000)

Exporting metrics

Hereopen in new window is how you can export metrics to Uptrace following the recommendations above:

'use strict'

const otel = require('@opentelemetry/api')
const { Resource } = require('@opentelemetry/resources')
const { NodeSDK } = require('@opentelemetry/sdk-node')
const { OTLPMetricExporter } = require('@opentelemetry/exporter-metrics-otlp-http')
const { PeriodicExportingMetricReader, AggregationTemporality } = require('@opentelemetry/sdk-metrics')

const dsn = process.env.UPTRACE_DSN
console.log('using dsn:', dsn)

const exporter = new OTLPMetricExporter({
  url: '',
  headers: { 'uptrace-dsn': dsn },
  compression: 'gzip',
  temporalityPreference: AggregationTemporality.DELTA,
const metricReader = new PeriodicExportingMetricReader({
  exporter: exporter,
  exportIntervalMillis: 15000,

const sdk = new NodeSDK({
  metricReader: metricReader,
  resource: new Resource({
    '': 'myservice',
    'service.version': '1.0.0',

const meter = otel.metrics.getMeter('app_or_package_name', '1.0.0')

const requestCounter = meter.createCounter('requests', {
  description: 'Example of a counter',

setInterval(() => {
  requestCounter.add(1, { environment: 'staging' })
}, 1000)

Exporting logs

Hereopen in new window is how you can export traces to Uptrace following the recommendations above:

const { SeverityNumber } = require('@opentelemetry/api-logs')
const { LoggerProvider, BatchLogRecordProcessor } = require('@opentelemetry/sdk-logs')
const { OTLPLogExporter } = require('@opentelemetry/exporter-logs-otlp-http')
const { CompressionAlgorithm } = require('@opentelemetry/otlp-exporter-base')

const dsn = process.env.UPTRACE_DSN
console.log('using dsn:', dsn)

const loggerExporter = new OTLPLogExporter({
  url: ``,
  headers: { 'uptrace-dsn': dsn },
  compression: CompressionAlgorithm.GZIP,
const loggerProvider = new LoggerProvider()

loggerProvider.addLogRecordProcessor(new BatchLogRecordProcessor(loggerExporter))

const logger = loggerProvider.getLogger('app_or_package_name', '1.0.0')
  severityNumber: SeverityNumber.INFO,
  severityText: 'info',
  body: 'this is a log body',
  attributes: { 'log.type': 'custom' },


Node.js runtime metrics

To collect Node.js runtime metrics, install opentelemetry-node-metrics:

# npm
npm install opentelemetry-node-metrics --save

# yarm
yarn add opentelemetry-node-metrics --save

Then start collecting metrics like this:

const otel = require('@opentelemetry/api')
const uptrace = require('@uptrace/node')
const startNodeMetrics = require('opentelemetry-node-metrics')


// Must be called AFTER OpenTelemetry is configured.
const meterProvider = otel.metrics.getMeterProvider()


If OpenTelemetry is not working as expected, you can enable verbose logging to check for potential issues:

const { DiagConsoleLogger, DiagLogLevel, diag } = require('@opentelemetry/api')
diag.setLogger(new DiagConsoleLogger(), DiagLogLevel.DEBUG)

What's next?

Next, instrument more operations to get a more detailed picture. Try to prioritize network calls, disk operations, database queries, error and logs.

You can also create your own instrumentations using OpenTelemetry JS Tracing APIopen in new window.

Last Updated: