Ingesting Zipkin Spans
Uptrace supports Zipkin JSON API at /api/v2/spans
curl -X POST 'http://localhost:14318/api/v2/spans' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'uptrace-dsn: http://project2_secret_token@localhost:14318?grpc=14317' \
-d @spans.json
"id": "352bff9a74ca9ad2",
"traceId": "5af7183fb1d4cf5f",
"parentId": "6b221d5bc9e6496c",
"name": "get /api",
"timestamp": 1556604172355737,
"duration": 1431,
"kind": "SERVER",
"localEndpoint": {
"serviceName": "backend",
"ipv4": "",
"port": 3306
"remoteEndpoint": {
"ipv4": "",
"port": 58648
"tags": {
"http.method": "GET",
"http.path": "/api"
Uptrace expects a DSN in the one of the following locations:
HTTP header.Authorization
HTTP header.dsn
URL query, for example,/api/v2/spans?dsn=[dsn]
ClickHouse and OpenTelemetry
To trace the ClickHouse database, you can setup a materialized view to export spans from the system.opentelemetry_span_log table using Zipkin protocol:
CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW default.zipkin_spans
ENGINE = URL('http://localhost:14318/api/v2/spans?dsn=http://project2_secret_token@localhost:14318', 'JSONEachRow')
SETTINGS output_format_json_named_tuples_as_objects = 1,
output_format_json_array_of_rows = 1 AS
lower(hex(trace_id)) AS traceId,
case when parent_span_id = 0 then '' else lower(hex(parent_span_id)) end AS parentId,
lower(hex(span_id)) AS id,
operation_name AS name,
start_time_us AS timestamp,
finish_time_us - start_time_us AS duration,
cast(tuple('clickhouse'), 'Tuple(serviceName text)') AS localEndpoint,
attribute AS tags
FROM system.opentelemetry_span_log
See ClickHouse documentation for details.